Roberta Adutwumwaah Ntem


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Education & Training

Roberta is an award-winning social entrepreneur; she is listed in the ‘Healthy Ageing 50’ among 49 others from across the globe, who has done outstanding work on the Decade of Healthy Ageing by the United Nations. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management Studies from the University of Cape Coast (UCC) and an Executive Certificate in Leadership from the Accra Business School. She has also undergone trainings such as Project Management from the Project Management Institute Ghana chapter,

She worked in places including Ghana National Chamber of Commerce,  Proworld Ghana under Intrax Global Internships, and Africa Our Home for the past 8 years in collaboration with state agencies including Ghana Health Service (GHS) to improve the `healthcare of the vulnerable in communities with institutions such as Cape Coast Teaching Hospital, Doctors in Service Clinic, Jukwa Health Centre, Cape Coast School for the Deaf and Blind, Aboom School of Special Needs and the Department of Social Welfare to provide social support services to vulnerable groups including the elderly, through a service-based learning and cultural immersion volunteering program.

 Roberta is the founder of the Good Old Age Golden Foundation; her works epitomize Gandhi’s mantra of “being the change you want to see in the world”. She is altruistic, making her go to every nook and cranny to lend a hand to struggling and neglected elderly folks. Her transformative agenda is to beautify the aging process for all elderly by empathizing with them and being a genuine provider, carer, support system, and an emblem of pure love, making the poor ages find a ray of hope in the looming otherwise rough aging episode.